Wednesday, August 17, 2011

Jarrid Wilson: Pre-Paid Hope

Normally I won't post 2 blog post back to back in the same day, but today I must. I want to introduce you all to a a new friend. His name is Jarrid Wilson. I happened upon Jarrid via two of his tweets that my daughter Chelsea had retweeted. They were powerful and I did what I normally do when I see something that is contagiously infected with God, I pass it on. The tweets were: "If our hearts don't break for all who are broken, we can't truly call ourselves Christ followers." "The story of your transition out of your brokenness, could be the tipping point to someones understanding of Gods hopefulness".
A few minutes ago I received a notification that Jarrid is now following me on twitter. As I visited his site I found this post he shared just yesterday. As I read it I knew it was a God post timing and had to share it with you all. There is no coincidence in Christ and I think God is speaking to us as a body to pay attention. Who are the shadowy figures sleeping on the park benches, are they not the sick who need a physician? Homelessness has a story and it has a face. It looks like me, it looks like you and if we look really close; it looks like Jesus.
Take a moment to read this inspiring and beautiful Christ encounter that Jarrid was blessed to have.
Jarrid Wilson: Pre-Paid Hope: Two weeks ago I had the pleasure of meeting a sixty-seven year old homeless man named Tom. In the last couple months I've noticed a growth ...

Standing in awe of HIM,


Erin said...

Thank you so much for sharing Jarrid's story. Isn't that just like God. Always on time...if we would just pay attention!! You are a blessing!

TonyR said...

Thank you Erin. When I read it I knew I had to share it. It coincided so well with today's earlier post I knew God was saying open your eyes, pay attention.

Bless you my friend,

Unknown said...

Hi Tony I am a new GFC fan. I love this post and couldn't agree more. I hope you visit me back. If you want to enter to win I think you'd love the DVD giveaway I am hosting right now for an awesome movie called "The Grace Card" it is truly an awesome movie. It had me weeping several times.
My 2 Cents

TonyR said...

Hi Valerie and welcome to the Well.
Thank you for being leaving a comment and being a new friend.
I've heard so much about The Grace Card. I will definitely visit you back.
